Dress to Impress
I find that there when it comes to how you choose to dress yourself, there's a fine line to balance. When you wear something because it makes you feel good and or because you simply like it, then I believe that's a valid reason to be wearing that outfit. However, the flip side of the situation is wearing dressing a certain way because you solely want to please others. Miss Representation talked about how the image of a woman has been shaped by the standards of men and how the appearance of a woman is what people take note of first. Contradictory as it may seem, the fashion bloggers that I choose to follow are my way of countering these two unfortunate realities of our current world. One of my favorite bloggers is YouTube star Stephanie Villa , also known as soothingsista. Her style, although occasionally girly, tends to be more androgynous. She mixes menswear into her outfits normally. She isn't the stereo...