Worth It

     I don't make my bed everyday, but I do watch at least one Buzzfeed video a day. These 1-10 minute videos have become a part of my daily routine. Don't get my wrong, Ladylike and the Try Guys are great, but my favorites by far is the series titled, "Worth It."

     In these 8-10 minute videos, Steven and Andrew (along with camera man Adam) go around different cities like LA and New York and try one type of food at three different price points to figure out which is the most worth it option.
     Sometimes I often ask myself why I love these short videos so much. For starters the guys aren't even professionals so why in the world would I trust their opinion? Another reason to question is the fact that I live nowhere near the restaurants that they try out. However, I think I've been able to figure`out a few of the little tricks that Buzzfeed uses to keep me coming back for more.
     On one hand, there is the blaring technique of plain folks. These guys in their mid-twenties don't know half the stuff about food that Guy Ferrari does, but I'd still watch worth it videos over Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives. Because they're normal people, it makes the videos more relatable. I'm also guessing the use of this technique gets them the views they want. Majority of the people on YouTube are youngsters who have a high tolerance for cheesy jokes and stupid humor. When Andrew says an egg pun, younger people have less of a tendency to be annoyed and click away, thus adding to the effectiveness of the use of plain folks.
     They also use the technique of bandwagon. Originally, this was a one-time video for the main Buzzfeed channel. Now, the company has created it into a series, advertising them as "episodes" and splitting up the videos into seasons 1 and 2. They've made the Worth It videos a community, and I'm not ashamed to say that I'm a part of it.
     Buzzfeed has succeeded in roping me into their world of cheesy puns and jokes, but I willingly will continue to watch their videos everyday after school, no matter how much homework I have. I guess they just got so good at manipulating the ways of media that I didn't even realize I was being controlled by them.


  1. Do you think that you would like to be those guys and be able to try those foods and that is another reason why you like to watch them all of the time?

  2. I have also noticed that the use of humor changes depending on the target audience. In ads for children the jokes can be very simple or so obvious that to an adult they are just annoying, and jokes used in commercials for adults are more sophisticated so many little kids wouldn't even be able to understand them. I makes me wonder if there is an in between type of humor that everyone transitions through, or if people just jump from simple jokes to the more complex.


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